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Mac Address Tracking Software Free Download Updated

Mac Address Tracking Software Free Download

7 Best Free MAC Address Changer Software For Windows

Here is alist of all-time costless MAC Accost Changer software for Windows. MAC Address Changer is also known as MAC spoofer, as it spoofs the hard coded MAC accost of network adapters. The network adapters come hard coded with MAC addresses which can not exist changed, but masked or spoofed. Employ these best free MAC changer software to spoof mac address. These software permit you change MAC address for particular network adapters. You can cull a random MAC address, or but blazon in MAC manually. Y'all tin change MAC accost manually via control panel, merely these software are here to ease your endeavour. Also these software brand sure that you do not mess upwardly anything.

There are different reasons for which you might want to change your MAC accost. These reasons include Privacy, restricted information usage, authentication, etc. Go through this brief description of Why To Change MAC Address to know more.

My favorite software to change MAC Address:

I prefer Technitium MAC Accost Changer to modify MAC address, as it changes MAC effectively, and it has diverse other network tools.

You tin as well take a look at the list of all-time freeDNS Changer Software,ISO Extractor Software, andVPN Software.

Changing MAC Address Manually

You canChange MAC Accost Manuallyon your Windows computer hands. All it takes is to follow few steps. If you are in doubt about manually agonizing something in your estimator, checkout the free software to alter MAC address, else read the following steps to change MAC address manually:

  • Go to Control Panel> Network and Internet> Network Sharing Center.
  • Click onChange Adapter Settings, and so click Configure.
  • Go toAdvancetab, and click on Locally Administered Address.
  • Modify the radio button from Non PresenttoValue.
  • Add a six pair MAC accost without dashes or space.

Salvage changes to spoof MAC accost. You can follow this tutorial to modify MAC address equally well.

Technitium MAC Address Changer

Technitium MAC Accost Changeris a dedicated software to change MAC address on Windows. Modify the MAC difficult coded into the NIC without whatever effort. The GUI of this software displays the Network Connections, forth with the MAC addresses, Status, Speed, and if the MAC has been inverse. You can click on the Network Connections separately to view their properties below the tab, like: Information, and IP Address. The Data tab displays:

  • Connection type.
  • Device.
  • Hardware IP/Config IP.
  • TCP/IPv4.
  • Original MAC Accost.
  • Active MAC Address.

To change MAC Address,go to the left bottom panel of the GUI. Click on the Random MAC Addressoption to randomly display a MAC accost. Click onChange Nowto spoof MAC address. You can always click onRestore Originalto undo the changes. This MAC spoofer likewise lets you import and consign MAC Presets. There are hundreds of MAC presets available on this tool.

Win vii MAC Accost Changer

Win vii MAC Address Changeris a MAC Spoofer for Windows operating organisation. It works on Windows Vista, Windows vii, and Windows eight. The software is really piece of cake to apply, and you lot can change MAC accost in 3 uncomplicated steps:

  • Footstep 1: Choose a network adapter on which y'all want to use the setting.
  • Footstep 2: Select your operating system. Yous tin can either select Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8. This limits the office of this software as you tin can non use it on Windows 10.
  • Stride three: Click onRandomizebutton to generate random MAC accost, or y'all can manually put a MAC accost. StrikingChangeto utilize the new MAC accost.

This MAC address changer displays the current  MAC accost on its interface as well. You can ever change your MAC address to default by clickingReset to Default. Click onView Logto export log in TXT format.

NoVirusThanks MAC Address Changer

NoVirusThanks MAC Address Changerdetects the active network adapters, and then lets you modify their MAC address. View the adapters' MAC address, status, Adapter Type, and Network Connection type. Select a network adapter, and click onChange MACto spoof MAC accost. A new popular up appears when you click Change MAC, which displays random MAC address. ClickChangeto change MAC address of the network adapter. TheRestore Macoption lets you restore your MAC to original. This is one of the simplest software to change MAC.

Smart MAC Address Changer

Smart MAC Address Changeris primarily one of the DNS changer software, which is capable of irresolute MAC address. To change MAC accost, go to theMAC Address ChangerTab, and select a network adapter. You will view the electric current MAC address (original MAC address), and right below it y'all will view the New MAC Address tab. This tab generates random MAC addresses. Click on the Generate Random MAC Address, or manually enter a MAC address. HitApply MAC Addressto modify the MAC settings.

This free software to change MAC address also lets yous change DNS server, and apply kid shield to your calculator.


Spoof-Me-At presentis another simple software to modify MAC address, or spoof MAC accost. Choose a network adapter to view the MAC address. In theSpoof Totab you will view the randomly generated MAC address. You can likewise put in a manual MAC address. Click onSpoofto alter the MAC accost. There is a log window where you can view all the changes made. In that location are non many options bachelor on this lightweight software apart from the MAC address changing tool.


MadMACis some other lightweight MAC address spoofer for Windows OS. It has got a small-scale and minimalist user interface. Select a network adapter, enter the MAC manually, and save the settings to change the MAC. At that place are no other options available on this software, nonetheless this MAC accost changer is an effective tool to change MAC address.

Mac Address Tracking Software Free Download

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